What We Offer

Witham St Hughs English Hub offers a variety of professional development opportunities, through a range of training courses, webinars and workshops.

All training opportunities are FREE of charge for all schools, funded by the DfE.  

Showcases Events 

Our Showcases are designed to promote and share best practice in relation to the teaching of early language, reading and phonics. These Showcases will give you the opportunity to hear from our English hub Lead, Hub School Headteacher and English Specialists. You will receive input in relation to the development of Early Language and Reading for Pleasure. Following the online Showcase Event, you will then be offered the opportunity to spend a morning at Witham St Hughs Academy, observing high-quality phonics lessons in Reception and KS1 and a Reading for Pleasure culture across the whole school.  

Visit the Showcase Events page to find out more. 


Eligible schools may receive an audit, carried out by one of our Literacy Specialists, which focusses on your school’s Early Reading (phonics), Early Language and your Reading for Pleasure culture across the school. 

During an audit, one of our Literacy Specialists would work alongside the Headteacher and Reading/Phonics Leader for the day, observing lessons, listening to children read and talking to the school staff and leadership team. The audit process is extremely supportive and designed to help leaders reflect on their own school’s strengths and next steps for improvement.  

Eligible schools may also receive £100 ‘back fill’ to cover supply costs to release their Reading/ Phonics Lead from class for the day.   

Following the audit, the Literacy Specialist will make recommendations to the English Hub Lead, which may include, funding for Systematic, Synthetic, Phonics (SSP) programme, training and/or resources to help improve the teaching of early reading, phonics, early language and reading for pleasure.  


Funding may be awarded to eligible schools to purchase a full Systematic, Synthetic, Phonics (SSP) programme from the DfE validated list or to purchase resources and/or books. 

DfE Validated SSP Programmes 

Intensive Support

In addition to our Medium Level Support, eligible schools could also benefit from more intensive support from our English Hub.  

Schools that meet two of the following DfE criteria will be prioritised: 

  • Lower than average percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in the 2019 Phonics Screening Check (PSC). 

  • A higher than average proportion of children eligible for Pupil Premium. 

  • Ofsted judgement of Requires Improvement or Inadequate. 

  • Schools referred by Local Partners. 

Visit the Intensive Support page to find out more. 

Partner Schools

Our 'Partner Schools' will receive up to 12 intensive school support days with one of our experienced Literacy Specialists over a 2 year period. 

As a Partner School, your school’s assigned Literacy Specialist will spend each support day working with the Headteacher and Reading/Phonics Lead for the day, exploring teaching and learning, assessment, phonics provision, offering feedback, modelling and coaching. 

A Partner School will receive £150 ‘back fill’ after each Literacy Specialist Support Day to cover supply costs for the Reading / Phonics Lead’s release time.  

All Partner Schools are entitled to a phonics audit and up to £6000 funding over a two-year period.