Witham St Hughs English Hub

Witham St Hughs English Hub is one of 34 designated English Hubs across the country. Our Lead School, Witham St Hughs Academy, was appointed by the Department for Education in 2018 to support schools in developing their early reading provision.

We aim to support schools with:

  • Early Language Development
  • Early Reading (Phonics)
  • Promoting a Love of Reading


Witham St Hughs English Hub supports schools in these Local Authority Districts

Schools who have received our English Hub support


Witham St Hughs English Hub is extremely proud

of the support they offer to schools in:


North & North East Lincolnshire

Newark & Sherwood






  • 84

    Partner Schools Supported

  • 1154

    Schools Engaged

  • 128

    Number of FREE Training Events

  • 100

    Good / Excellent Feedback From All Training

Upcoming Professional Programmes